This is our family gardening spot. We share ideas, help with solutions to problems and garden together as a family in different states and different climates. Post your thoughts, advice and questions as they come up.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Tiffany's Garden-The Watermelon Capital of Oregon
Well we are finally going to post on Tiffany's garden. We transplanted the garden in her stock trough in May. She started to harvest Swiss Chard soon afterwards.
In July we were up for Justin's birthday party. The garden is beginning to produce.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Fall Gardening
It is hard for me to plan too far ahead but July and August is time to start planing and begin sowing fall & winter gardens. Once the cooler weather of fall arrives growth slows down. Last winter I harvested spinach from 24 plants and a few dozen leeks all winter and continued to harvest those plants until June when they finally bolted. This winter I will be growing more spinach, kale, carrots, leeks. On this side of the mountains having a lite frost frost blanket and poly cover removes much of the stress that out in the open growing puts on the plants. The wind and cold rains seem to be hard on plants. I have lots to learn about fall and winter gardening but during the winter I have time to enjoy my garden in my high tunnel.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Fall leeks
Last weekend I transplanted 4 rows of fall leeks. I still have later sowing to transplant for late fall and early winter and late winter harvest. I had mom;s neighbor cut two old culverts into 18, 24, & 30 inch sections. I transplanted yellow squash and winter squash into them Sunday. I do have a few kale beginning to get large enough to harvest a few leaves. Next weekend I will transplant my summer tomatoes to the large cold house. I am going to put them in large 17 gallon landscape pots. With the warmer weather this week things should begin to grow.
Keep warm & dry
Keep warm & dry
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of July!!

I spent the morning weeding out my garden (much, much over due). It's an amazingly sunny day here in Portland. The weeding was pretty easy to do, even though there was so much of it.
After replanting my lettuce, some flowers beans and my acorn squash I feel much better about my garden. Everything is peaking out at me now. Everything but the sunflowers. And I don't expect them until later in the summer. We need some warm days before I expect to see them.

I hate admitting it, but Derrick was completely right. I'm going to do raised beds next year. This bending over and weeding my whole garden is really becoming a much bigger chore than I anticipated. I think this fall we'll put the raised beds in. I think we'll have a total of 10 beds, including the 3 we already have.
A lot of rows not growing...might replant. No leeks so far, no Cauliflower so far, no carrots....and not one single flower has come up to bring the good insects to eat all those aphids. May just run to the store and buy some that have already been started....we'll see how that works out.
The pile of weeds before I carried them away.
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