This years garden was not as joyful as last years. I feel as though I put much more thought and preparation into this years layout, selection of vegetables, placement of flowers to decrease pests and I got very little productivity. My green beans were wonderful, I had 1 successful head of cabbage, 1 acorn squash, a boat load of tomatoes (next year only 1 plant), a few peppers that never got spicy, and 2 full onions....
Oh, and my lone sunflower, after seeding and reseeding two different types of sunflowers only one ever made it up. Again, I have large stalks of brussle sprouts and no sprouts to show for it. I've not given up on them....but my goodness how much taller will they get without giving me anything to eat?
I was very successful in growing a very nice selection of weeds this year. Those and my tomatoes were the only thing that seemed to work out....I didn't even get one zucchini! And I planted 2 plants.
I would like to put in all raised beds for next year, but I think that cost will have to be moved to another year until we can get some money socked away again.
I'll have another year of weeding and hunkered over working with my rocky soil before I can have the luxury of a full garden with raised beds.
I hope your crops were more successful than mine this year!