My garden has, remarkably, kept itself alive while I was focused on house projects. I don't have much diversity this year, but things ARE growing, which considering my lack of interest in it most of the spring is pretty impressive.
I went for 3 separate zucchini plants this year with a cucumber and a pumpkin thrown in....but when things were not coming up, I threw in a few more seeds to see how it would go. Low and behold, I have a garden full of spreading zucchini plants that are overtaking everything else. Every morning I go out there i move the tendrils into a new direction trying to navigate the other plants...each morning I feel like I've gotten another foot of growth!

My peas are looking very "pea'y" and growing up the bed frame we put out there. I have tried a few, and they're delicious!

My first 2 blueberries! YAAAY. I'm not really sure when they are going to be ripe. I'm just enjoying looking at them at this point. It's been 2 years now and these are the first two I've gotten.

The asparagus is in an awful spot. I think I might have to start over entirely with the Aspargus as soon as I put the raised beds in. At this point I feel like it's not worth my time to manage them in any way.
I'm giving up on all veg that Aphids like. I'm just...SO discouraged. I've tried non-chemical methods, (soap and water only, water every single morning, washing leaves) and this year, I even resorted to chemicals to kill the aphids. Chemicals showed the best results but they are still eating my cabbage and kohlrabi alive, I feel so defeated with this issue. I'm just, DONE trying. Next summer, I'm not going to try again. I'm going to do hearty veg and not worry about it.

3 tomato plants is 2, too many! Once again I have the most bountiful tomato plants ever! I've got so much fruit on the limbs they are sagging everywhere. I don't have enough stakes to prop up all the limbs.

This year, I bought onion starts from the Portland Nursery and wow have they taken off! They're lovely to look at and sooo fragrant! LOVE them.

saddest little cabbage ever....