I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted on here. My garden last year wasn't the focus of what was going on in my life, maybe that's why I haven't put much down recently.
This last weekend I spent some good time weeding the garden and figuring out where I want everything to grow. I cleaned out some of the overgrowth of weeds and miscellaneous that was growing around the perimeter of the garden in addition to pulling the weeds in the beds.
After gutting the kitchen last summer we kept the old cast iron sink. I'm going to be using that to plant some sunflowers in.
I have a whole bed of garlic currently growing, and I'm looking forward to getting that bed back when they are mature enough to harvest. I've also found potato plants all over! :) I need to be more disciplined about planting them in one spot. As it is, I feel sure that I shouldn't be planting any more potatoes ever in my life.
I've given up planting quite a few things I realized this when I was seeding yesterday. I don't want to fight with the bugs that I can't control. I just have given in to them.
I am working on planting some big pots on our porch full of mosquito repelling plants. In the last four years I feel as though our mosquito problem has gotten out of control. And with such a mild winter, I am sure it is going to be a painful summer if we don't figure out a way to control them this year.
I also have some grape plants a friend has given me that are growing beautifully. I'm very happy to see them getting green and lovely right now.
I hope to invest in some raspberry plants and maybe a huckleberry. The one I planted a few years ago died. My blueberries are flowering now as well. And the asparagus I put in is finally popping out. I think most of it got pulled out when I was weeding throughout the years. But there are a few left.
I'll post a few photos of progress as it starts to show. I hope all of your gardens are doing well!