Friday, December 16, 2011

Gardening 2nd week December

Well no photos this time. Just reminder of things to do in December. I just finished splitting the last of the firewood for the year. I now have 8 cords in the shed. I am a little bit of an Internet junky and found a great site on you tube. The Victorian kitchen garden. It was produced by the BBC in the "80's I believe. My broad band is quite slow but it is interesting to learn more about how they grew food for "The Big House" in Victorian times.

Also seed catalogs are showing up in the mail. By the first of the year the big box stores will be having generic seeds on sale. Watch the sales and pick up many of the generic seeds for next spring. Remember when the growing season starts for your location and do not sow too soon. I know I always sow too soon and pay the price with slow growth on my gardens.

Keep warm and remember old gardeners do not die they just spade away.