Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Later in Life

I can hardly wait for winter to be over and we're only in fall.  

I found this really great idea for a pathway in my garden.  See the slices of wood?  I think this is such a great look and so creative!  I've attached the website I found it at here.  


I also love this idea for some rain storage in my garden so I don't have to drag the hose across my yard all of next year.  I'm sure it will not keep my garden watered all year, but it'll be a nice option to have when we do get some rain.  :)  

Website is here.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I worked on my garden yesterday.  It was the perfect fall day in Portland.  Lots of sunshine and very brisk air.  I didn't get out there until around 1 and by the time I was "calling it a day" around 3pm the sun was already behind the clouds making it feel like 6pm!  I didn't get nearly enough done, but I had let the weeds take over, so the weeding part of my chores were a lot bigger than I planned for.

It was a little heartbreaking pulling out some of the plants that were not quiet dead yet.  I kept hoping those bell pepper plants would produce SOMETHING!  Not one bell all summer.  :(  Green leaves, happy little flowers, but no peppers!  My jalapeno plant...I'm going to try potting it and bringing it inside.  I can't seem to let that one go.  It gave me so many wonderful peppers!  If I can keep it going, I'm going to try.

I think the next time I go out I'll have a more realistic timeline in place.  I have some pea gravel, left over from our french drain that I was going to use in the entry way of my garden.  I got the weeds pulled up in that area, but didn't get the gravel moved.  I hope to do a little each night until it's done.  Maybe on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

As I finish it up, I'll take some "after" photos to share.  All of these were right when I started.  This is the worst of it.