Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Man, oh man!  The aphids are KILLING me!  I went out to the garden tonight and my tomatoes are just falling over with the amount of aphids on them!!  I hosed them all down with soap and water but I'm getting to a point where I just want to use chemicals on them.  I feel like its an endless battle with these little guys.  Is there anything that 'deters' the aphids?!

I'm going to google that and see if I find anything worthy of an attempt.  I know every garden has pests, but this is just relentless.

It feels as though its all gotten worse as the temperature sky rocketed up again too.  Those stinkers are on everything now.  Not just here or there.  :(


  1. Ellie
    Aphids reproduce quicker in warm weather. Aphids also like soft new tissue. You probably see the aphids on the tips of the stems, IE young succulent tissue. What you are probably seeing is re-infestation with a new population. This late in the season tip back the tomatoes and reduce the amount of foliage. This will reduce the amount of soft tissue and encourage the tomatoes to ripen faster. Kill two birds so to speak with one stone :) if you want to kill bugs with chemicals try pyrethuiums. It is made from chrysanthemum flowers and is a contact spray with very little residual. Read and follow label.


  2. Should I actually cut whole limbs off or just the ends? I'm not sure what I should be cutting. I'm going to go out there this weekend and do this along with weeding (as my peas and zucchini have died off I haven't gone in and pulled those dead plants out, it's time!).
