Sorry I didn't post some photos of my garden yesterday as planned, Derrick and I put in a French Drain (70 feet long!) this weekend. I've got a majorly aching back right now!
We're both so worn out. Very happy to finally have it done though. We hope to not have any leaky basements this year. After replacing the whole bathroom down there last year, we can't afford to do it again.
I've decided I'm not good at physical labor either! I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.
My zucchini and Squash were all about dead but I think my lack of watering them has brought them back to life. I see some nice new healthy leaves on them and they're both flowering again. I pulled out some of the most dead plants, we'll see how the rest do.
My brussel sprouts are peaking out, I'm very excited to get them growing and the onions are doing well too. I think I'll have maybe four heads of cabbage this year. Next year I think I'll put the cabbage in the raised beds. They didn't do so well on the ground. I feel like they've been eaten alive!

The cabbage heads grow so SLOWLY. I'm wondering if I've not given them enough water or if they are not located in a good spot? Not enough sun? I don't know, but the bugs sure enjoy them as you can see.
My poor sad, tomatoes. I'm finally getting some red ones! Only in this one plant that does not want to stay in it's cage. Its growing everywhere but up I swear it! Again, next year, I'm going to be doing a lot of things differently!
My green peppers! FINALLY producing peppers large enough to eat. I think they've been the size of a golf ball for a month now. :)

And to finish it off, my newest addition....my pumpkins! Added late, but growing nicely.
I've been updating my photos of my garden all season. There are a lot there, but if you're interested the link is here.
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