Saturday, September 3, 2011

Green tomatos

We have the same problem here. It is hard to get much of the crop to ripen. We have had good luck with holding the tomatoes on the vine as long as possible but before a good frost and harvest all of the green tomatoes and putting them in the basement to ripen. We often will have tomatoes ripening up to nearly Christmas that way :) We put them in cardboard boxes lined with news print and then covered with a single sheet of news print. They need to be checked a couple of times per week to remove any that mold or otherwise spoil. I think your wine cellar room would work great for a tomato ripening room. I began sowing my winter crops in the unheated greenhouse last week. I found arugula sprouting. It is late but better try and fail than not try at all. I will be ordering garlic this weekend and will send you an assortment of garlics to plant this fall. They can be planted up to mid October. I need to go work on blueberry house before it gets cold tonight. Back later

1 comment:

  1. I'll try that. I've got four cherry tomato plants this year, way too many. I thought I'd picked up two full size and two cherry, only to realize when I got home all four were cherry! Anyway, only one is really producing anything anyway. I'll take the other three out of the ground and put them in the wine room.

    We plan on backfilling the dirt under the house down there and putting up the dry wall for that room in a couple weeks. So it will be completely insulated and we'll start storing the wine in there. I wonder if I can talk Derrick into adding a work bench on one wall... It'd be helpful for my garden, maybe not so fancy with all the wine, but he'll like not having to buy that much more wine! :)
