Sunday, May 6, 2012

Is it Spring Yet?

Well May 4th it snowed off and on all day at Snowshoe Inn.  I do have garlic in low tunnel that is up to 14 inches tall. The garlic in the adjoining raised bed is only partially germinated.  The power of the low tunnel is so evident in my location.  I did out plant some seedlings last weekend, lettuce, cabbage, etc.  good cool weather crops.  They seem to survived the last few nights with temperatures down to low 20's.  This weekend we visited Tiffany in Hermiston and celebrated Ryan's birthday.  Great time to see the kids, they grow up so fast.  I brought up some seedlings for her garden and planted her stock trough again.  3 tomato plants, some lemon cucumbers, green & yellow zucchini, Etc.  Now it is up to her to take care of them.  Upon returning tonight I found my order of onion plants from Johnny's seed in mail box.  With the warmer weather in the forecast I will have to plant 150 onion plants Monday or Tuesday.  I never run out of things to do.  The greenhouse and low tunnels are filling with seedlings and I hope to have most of the summer garden planted by the middle of June.  Soon after that I will begin to sow my true love, the winter garden.  I am really looking forward to expanding that endeavor.  Winter is when I have the time to garden and enjoy the bounty. 

1 comment:

  1. My onions did not do very well last year, I'm trying again this year, but I'm wondering what I should do differently?
