Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm totally BLOG stupid.. I don't know why I can't comment on your aphids comment.. but I can post a new one..I feel like I'm 103 years old and this computer is just new fangled stuff..
My friend who is a master gardener..(she's official.. classes and everything!!).. replied to me about your aphid question.. here it is:
I would reccomend just taking a hose on a fairly powerfull setting and just hosing them off every morning..if you can knock them down it interupts their reproductive cycle and within a week you should see a marked difference since the lifecycle is only about three days long. Hope that helps!..
Well let me know how it goes..

1 comment:

  1. I tried the three days of spraying the aphids...I'll let you know how it goes. It already feels like they aren't as bad as they were, but I think there are a lot of things going into play on that. #1, it's cooling down a LOT at night now #2, I finally weeded and cleaned out the "dead stuff" from my garden #3 the washing down the plants. I think, (hope) it all makes the difference.

    Thank your friend for me as well.
