Saturday, September 10, 2011

Final Product

I spent about four hours out there today.  I wish it would have been just 5 degrees cooler, I could have gotten a lot more done, but I was boiling!

Anyway, I got most of it done.  Its pretty tidy now.  I'm going to put my asparagus trenches against my back wooden fence, where the tomatoes are right now.  I'll probably put them in at the end of October when the tomatoes are completely finished.  My only concern is the amount of pine cones that fall back there.  With only one pine tree on the neighbors yard, I really am shocked at how many pine cones I'm constantly raking out of that area.

I might put the corn back where I have it right now.   Originally I thought this was a bad place for them because the second row is not as tall as the first, but I do feel the reason I picked the space (lots of sunlight and blockage from any wind) is still valid, so I might do that again, and putting my corn in earlier I hope, will help them grow larger.

I pulled my home-made pea trellis out.  My peas were dead and I never liked the place I had it anyway.  Derrick helped me do this and suggested I use the wiring and poles to make a compost area.  I love that idea!  Why didn't I think of that?!   I really hate it when he does something like that.

Next year, I'm doing half rows and doing more things.  What I need to figure out is how to stagger my crops better and how to organize the layout so I'm watering plants that need to be watered frequently and avoiding plants that do not need as much.  I think I really killed my squash and zucchini with over watering.

Okay, that's all for today!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and make sure to stay cool and dehydrates!

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